Tuesday, February 6, 2007

TD-Chapter 40


Our first day back to work, Carlisle called a meeting. It figured he would. The good thing was that it was simply in our employee lounge instead of in the conference room. He spoke and thanked everyone for all of the hard work and gave some details about when our plaque would arrive. When Carlisle dismissed us, Bella raised her hand. I froze; surely she wouldn't to do that right here, right now. I mean, we hadn't talked about it since we marched our happy little asses off of the plane. We didn't have a game plan, at all.

"I have a quick announcement to make. For those of you who are interested, Edward and I have been married for almost a year now and we are excited to announce that we are pregnant." My mouth fell open and so did Carlisle's. He knew both parts but apparently he didn't expect Bella to just stand up and announce it that way.

To my clear shock, a rush of money began to change hands. Some happy, some pissed. The clear winner was Tyler, the car wash boy. He made out like a bandit.

Bella raised her hand one more time and I seriously considered stopping her. I mean, hell, we had no more news to tell; surely she wasn't going to tell them that I liked it when she stuck her finger in my ass. Not right here and right now with my father was in the room for crying out loud!

I rushed to stop her, that little fact was between her and me, not all of these casual acquaintances. Before my hand could stop her she began to speak. "Don't think this means that I'll be soft from here on out. You'll still bow down and kiss my ass like you always did, are we clear?" All heads nodded and people began to clear out. With that one simple sentence and acknowledgment, Bella's world settled down into a steady place again. She worried that they would lose their respect for her if they knew, apparently she was wrong.

Her arm wrapped around me as we left the lounge. "So, that went well, don't you think?" I asked.

Bella scoffed at me. "Oh, Edward, come out of the dark ages, they knew that shit was true so long ago. I mean they had a pool about it, for crying out loud! A fairly large one too, so they had to have known."

Tyler and Mike brushed past us on their way to the smoking deck to take a break, when Tyler spoke. "Are you kidding us? You two really didn't think that we believed your silly little sad game of pretend, did you?" I shook my head yes, because I thought we had them fooled. "Well, you're wrong. We all knew, in fact I could tell you the exact weekend that you two fell in love…the weekend that Bella's R8 was delivered." My mouth dropped open, hers just turned up in a smile. Upon seeing our looks, Tyler's face became encased in a smirk. He was right and he knew it. We fell in love that afternoon as I rode in that car with her.

I watched her drive, shift and talk about cars like she had done it all of her life. I saw her passion, her fire and most of all her caring nature. I couldn't resist her so I asked her out that day.

It's funny because the dealership was supposed to be a short stop off place for me. I came to appease my day and ended up finding everything in life I could ever ask for. I guess this wasn't such a bad deal after all.

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