After I got back to California, life seemed to be in fast forward. We packed up the house and donated the stuff we didn't want to take back with us. We rented a small U Haul trailer and with some strategic planning we made it all fit. The clothes the girls had accumulated was unreal, I couldn't believe that three girls could amass that many clothes in two short months. Jasper and Emmett were just as whipped by their girls as I was by mine and they couldn't say no to them anymore than I would have been able to say no to Bella…so we got it all to fit.
The ride back to Forks was fairly happy and loud. At different times you could see that everyone recognized that we were missing a part of us though, we all felt Bella's absence. Everyone took turns sitting with me when it was my turn to drive. I couldn't be more thankful for my group of friends. In fact I would say we were actually more of a family now.
The girls picked up the car that Charlie purchased for them and began their trip back to Dartmouth without us. They needed to get back before the rest of the student body showed up so that they could secure a bigger apartment. They were all in agreement that they needed a bigger place now that their finances would allow that luxury. It made me excited to know that Bella would have plenty of space now. More for when I stayed with her, it wouldn't feel so cramped with me and the guys there. I saw pictures of their old apartment, there was no way we would all six be able to stay in that thing, even if it was only for a week. It was just too small.
Emmett, Jasper and I headed back to UDub. We had quite a bit of shuffling to do ourselves. I spoke with my Dad and explained my plans and how it would affect my college decisions. He wasn't happy at first but he came around. I think my mom and a little look online at the new music program I was interested in helped. We sat down and I explained my decision. I showed him the list of pros and cons that I had compiled and he understood how I had weighted this decision before I made it. I also think he saw how mature this decision was; it benefitted me in so many ways. Not just personally but professionally as well. So in the end he agreed and gave me his full blessing.
After talking with my dad, I called Jasper and Emmett, they had all of their stuff in place as well. So first thing Tuesday morning we all met with our advisors and withdrew from UDub. We walked out with our transfer papers in hand and the Sub packed. We were on our way to Dartmouth to finish out our senior year. Good thing I had the sense to plan ahead and contact the admissions office almost a month ago. The three of us had been given admission in our studies of choice. I would now be music major, while Jasper and Emmett would remain a history and architectural majors.
We spoke with Alice and Rose by phone and explained our decisions to them while we drove towards New Hampshire. We explained that we didn't want to get anyone's hopes up until we knew for sure that both schools would allow us to transfer. No sense breaking any hearts if we didn't have to. They explained that they had looked at three different houses, one was too small, one was in a terrible neighborhood and the last was too large. Rose texted Emmett the pictures and we called back to tell her to go back and rent the larger house. We agreed to pay our portion of the expenses, split six ways was a lot more affordable then split three ways. I asked them to keep it a secret from Bella; I really wanted to see her face when she realized I was in New Hampshire with her.
I just had to drive the rest of the way before I lost my mind with eagerness to see Bella.
When we were about forty- five minutes from Hanover, Emmett called Rosalie. She agreed to get everyone dressed and out of the house. She could guarantee us two hours to get our stuff into the house, she said not to worry about unpacking it because Alice would want to help get it all in just the right place. So we had to unload the Sub and get to the restaurant where they would be eating in two hours.
It was at the one hour and fifty minute mark that we stood in the parking lot and waited for the girls to emerge. Rose texted us to let us know they'd be out in five minutes they were paying now. I couldn't wait to see Bella's face.
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